We Do Consulting

Your problem-solving partner in the VUCA/BANI era

We, Scaleout Inc., love helping organizations and product/service. Through our customized consulting service, we assist you to succeed on the basis of broad perspectives such as strategy, marketing, and innovation, utilizing the latest technologies like AI, as well as the power of entertainment fueled by creativity, to thrive together in this particular kind of era with various problems. We also provide seminars, lectures, and/or training programs tailored to your specific goal.



The first step is to understand the situation of the client by carefully listening to and hearing the voice of the people who are involved.

Then the tailor-made strategy is designed by thorough and in-depth analysis, discussion, creative mindset, and morals.

We also value the implementation of the plan toward the strategically set goal, monitoring the status in each step to generate right feedbacks.



Content Marketing is one of today’s most effective tools for any type, any size of business.

Enhance the brand image of your business and products by utilizing the power of entertaining content, such as music, video, anime, manga, and so on!

The end result should be to attract the customers sustainably – it is a long term effort.



Three simple steps:

Seed: discover the idea – they should be plenty of them!

Leaf: try the idea – you may want to understand the market, design a prototype,

and try it. Technology may play an important role.

Flower: turn the prototype into product/service so it will please and/or help more people in better ways. 

Let’s make it happen!